Moores Park - Grand River

Moores Park - Grand River

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Manistee River & Tippy Dam

I am getting reports from "SteelSlam" who is fishing on the river all this week.

His FIRST STATEMENT was that the water temp is low and many people have said the run is over.... but in fact most of the fish have not spawned yet.

There have been some fish on gravel, especially in smaller tributary waters where the temp may have been a little higher at times.

Here is the current river temp information for Manistee River below Tippy Dam. I have shown the daily, 2 day, week, month and 2 month graph's.

You can clearly see that the normal water temp averaged over many years is normally much higher at this time of the year.

I will be up on the river this weekend to hook some steel first hand.
More information from SteelSlam and others.

Tight Lines!
MI Steelhead

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Moores Park - Grand River

Rockford Dam - Rogue River

Grand and Red Cedar Rivers

Tippy Dam - Manistee River

Old Town - Grand River

Flat Rock - Huron River